- 1 Passthrough Update 2024
- 2 AR porn improvements to be seen soon
- 3 Passthrough Update October 2023
- 4 Augmented reality passthrough developments
- 5 Why do we want to augment VR porn?
- 6 Quest 3 will change how some porn’s made
- 7 Augmented reality proof of concept development
- 8 What do I think of the new passthrough development?
- 9 The Innovative Jimmy Draws
- 10 Black Box VR
- 11 The potential of technology and porn
- 12 Is passthrough the future of porn?
Passthrough Update 2024
So, passthrough porn has definitely arrived, and I’ve been testing it out for a while now. The best way to have a AR porn passthrough experience—in respect to money and quality—is undoubtedly with the Meta Quest 3 headset.
The difference in the porn experience between the Quest 2 and Quest 3 is downright…staggering. What really fucks my brain up these days it the realization that the Quest 3 is really the first mainstream and affordable device to offer a competent PT porn experience…
It’s enough to make a man pause. The Quest 3 PT experience is just bonkers…already! It’s already fucking bonkers, guys! And, this is really the first iteration! Man, oh man…we can somewhat imagine what’s coming down the porn tech/sextech pipeline…and, zoinks!
So, the original question is this: Is passthrough the future of porn? The answer is…for the most part, yes. Without a doubt. There’s no fucking way that AR writ large will cease development. It’s just too fucking cool.
When I crunch all the variables of what’s out there…that means mainly visual quality, aesthetic quality, porn Gestalt, and business integrity: the AR porn studio leading the pack is unquestionably Czech AR.
If you’re dipping your toes in AR porn, you want your first visit to be Czech AR.
What I love about this subscription is that in addition to getting all the first-rate Czech AR porn, you also get the entire library of their VR porn scenes going back to 2015! Recommended!
AR porn improvements to be seen soon
So, if you asked me what AR porn improvements will be seen in the next iterations, I have a few ideas.
1. Improvement of visual clarity. This is already a great experience with 8K, but there is room, of course, for some improvement. But, what’s there already is good!
2. Bigger FOV (field of view) that more replicates the actual human vision experience. There is a lot of room for improvement in this area. We want just an all around bigger, more true to life field of view in which peripheral vision (in all directions) more closely mimics human experience.
3. Ability to manipulate the passthrough optics. This should be more of a software experience which matches color saturation, lighting, etc. (all elements of optical experience) to remain consistent with the video (what’s being laid-over your reality). This is extremely important. This should be very achievable via software and algorithm.
We want to better augment the reality in a way where both elements are more congruent.
4. Smaller headset: We want to get the actual headset down in size and weight. Ideally, before reaching the brain implant stage, we want to get the headset down to a pair of eyeglasses. In the short term, this should be achievable by offloading the guts and battery and connecting via a simple wire…or better yet wirelessly.
A major selling point of the Quest, of course, has been a wireless experience as compared to the desktop based headsets. But, I’d take a wire if it meant the AR is provided via eyeglasses that have a true to life FOV along with endless power.
5. Better battery: so the Quest 3 battery life pretty much sucks. There’s workarounds for this, of course, with external battery packs and the like. But, in the short term, we want a better battery in this thing.
Passthrough Update October 2023
The Meta Quest 3 with a fairly sophisticated passthrough is now released. See the Quest 3 Basic Facts page to see a summary of this device and its specs. If you want to get one and understand how to get started with VR porn, see the Quick Start VR Porn Guide.
October 22, 2022
Augmented reality passthrough developments
There’s a new feature on the DeoVR player that creates an augmented reality passthrough. Let’s discuss passthrough VR porn a bit today.
We’ve already discussed the existing Oculus Quest boundary hack which allows for an (awkward, rather subpar) augmented reality experience. But, with that said, it can be a lot of fun. I encourage you to read that article because in it I define a lot of terms and provide some background info. For now…
Why do we want to augment VR porn?
Let’s put it like this: What’s the goal of all this?
The goal is to create an AR experience. That means that your physical reality and a virtual reality get mashed-up together in your viewfinder. You are, literally, augmenting your reality. Why do this? What’s the point of that? The point of that is…porn. The original point of many technological advancements is porn. People don’t like to acknowledge this, but that’s another matter. Passthrough porn (also called passthru porn) will be a popular discussion for a while! And, for good reason: vr passthrough porn radically changes the VR porn experience!
Quest 3 will change how some porn’s made
In 2023 there will be a mass consumer device—Quest 3—with a color passthrough (one can deduce that allowing compelling passthrough experiences is now officially a concern of Oculus Meta), and if I had to make a prediction, VR porn’s most sophisticated video player, HereSphere, will develop a way to make different color channels transparent (if this functionality isn’t somehow baked into the Quest 3, and it seems likely it will be), and the actual studios will film with MR (mixed reality) in mind, and some of this present discussion will be moot. Truth is…it won’t be long before this article is only of a historical interest.
Augmented reality proof of concept development
But, in the meantime…for the brief interval preceding all of this…there’s an interesting development…I’d really call it more of a proof of concept…where the DeoVR player can eliminate the scene’s blacks and allow, technically speaking, something of an augmented reality (or mixed reality) experience. That means that the black parts of the VR porn scene will be see-through—kinda sorta—and the VR portion is transposed over your actual physical environment.
This is a noteworthy development. Savvy VR porn experimenters have been trying for this type of thing for years now with the boundary hack. But, this functions a bit differently and better because the boundaries are not in view and you can superimpose in a different way (more so on top of you).
What do I think of the new passthrough development?
As I’ve learned over the past seven years, describing a 3D VR experience in words can prove challenging. But, some people are asking what I think about this new passthrough experience. As I said earlier, I’ve been having fun with the boundary hack for a long while now: so, this type of thing has my interest. And, I did give it a fair test drive.
This way of achieving an AR experience will soon be outdated by technological developments. And, the thing to understand is that this present AR experience will be lacking because—even at its best—the VR portion is in color while the AR portion is black-and-white. There’s no way around this because of the inherent limitations of the present Quest’s camera. And, you’re never going to create a convincing augmented reality with a color/black-and-white hybrid visual space.
Additionally, the whole experience completely hinges upon having a VR porn scene with plenty of black in it. But, please note: you don’t want the woman’s hair or panties or anything, for that matter, to be black, because that’s going to be passed-through. And, the experience is all-around fiddly (adjusting transparency levels and color saturation and trying to line everything up just so). It’s fiddly as hell.
Now, with all of that said, when you do actually dial things in correctly with the right settings, right human body positioning (you and the VR talent) along with, perhaps most importantly, the right scene: you most certainly do get a bold glimpse at the type of AR experiences that the future holds. And, even with the limitations, you can have an enjoyable, certainly novel, wack-worthy time.
The Innovative Jimmy Draws
Our man Jimmy Draws of the JimmyDraws VR porn studio has filmed a Sophie Aurelia seated-on-chair scene for his VR Smokers sideproject that works particularly well with this. And, props to Jimmy because he brilliantly worked within the parameters/limitations to create a pretty damn cool experience. I was lying on my bed and Sophie’s chair was on the bed and the gal-gorgeous Sophie was blowing smoke over my actual man chest! It was a trip, man! Quite cool! Nice fucking work, Mr. Draws!
If you’re going to try this, I’d encourage you to load-up that scene, and, at the very least, you’ll get a glimpse at one segment of porn’s future…and, quite possibly, you’ll find yourself wildly wacking away! I wouldn’t be surprised.
Black Box VR
If this proves to be your thing, I’d then strongly encourage you to go back and download all of the Black Box VR scenes. I’d start with the Katy Jayne one which is Goddamn HORNY! Katy’s dramatic performance in this was simply fucking spectacular. You know, Katy never got the credit she deserved for her acting and erotic performance which made this scene such a horny masterpiece. I’m not exaggerating about this. That scene is VR porn at its best as far as I’m concerned.
Katy Jayne for Black Box VR –> This was simply SPECTACULAR!
I’ll tell you something more. Here’s another person who doesn’t get due credit in this narrow VR porn universe of ours: Anna Lee, whose VR porn vision—as we’re now seeing—was a few years ahead of its time. Anna founded 2049 Entertainment Inc. in 2019 and started releasing these damn compelling, black background solo VR porn performances. Anna, hop back into this. Now’s the time.
The potential of technology and porn
I’ve previously written about Foxus, which attempted to create a color passthrough, and, soon this is what we’re going to have. But, if we’re being painfully honest here…VR porn studios have produced some amazing work up until now. That’s simply an accurate statement. But, don’t you still have the sense that the virtual world medium hasn’t been used to its fullest potential? And, furthermore, it also took a while for the porn to get dialed into the 3D medium and for people to figure out that it required an entirely different production style than 2D. That’s been documented here going back to the stuff coming out in 2015. And, let’s face it, it’s going to be the same for the AR side of porn.
Is passthrough the future of porn?
Well, that depends what’s meant by future? It’s clear that in the longer range we can be 100% certain that—as seen depicted in the show Black Mirror—brain implants will be installed which will fully submerge you into the virtual world. We may also, one day, have our own little Holodecks as seen in Star Trek TNG. We know all of this is inevitable, though, nobody can really say when. My guess would be that the brain-implant-VR will be a reality by 2050. And, of course, that will render this color passthrough discussion rather hilarious. They’re going to laugh like hell at us, man. It’s like how we’d snicker at somebody walking around jamming out to a Thriller cassette on a Sony Walkman.
But, is passthrough AR porn the more immediate future of porn? Yes, I think it’s safe to say that it will become more popular over the next five years and progress alongside the VR virtual reality with which we’re presently familiar. Which will be more popular? That’s a little bit tough to say because it really depends upon how the actual content is being produced. If the AR content is produced a particular way, I do believe that it will win over the consumer majority with time.
Findvrporn is now offering consulting services for how to dominate with this new technology. That’s not unsupported hype, either. For those paying attention, you’ll see the suggestions made here over the years have all largely been implemented and even inspired the formation of an entirely new studio.
This new passthrough feature is going to be extremely profitable to whoever first comes correct. And, most everyone’s going to get it wrong. It was the same way with the VR porn that evolved to its present template (and, there most certainly is a template). Annihilate ego. Just give people mind-blowing wack material and prosper.
Quest 2 passthrough porn has hinted at what’s possible with this new application. But, Meta Quest 3 passthrough porn is what will put AR porn on the map. Be sure of that!