Maybe if you read this it can save you some time and searching. Here are two little confusing things I encountered when first fiddling around with this Go gizmo.
1. You plug the Oculus Go into your computer, and it’s empty. You can’t see your movie files.
Let’s say you want to transfer some videos to it…so, you plug it in and you’re wondering why the drive appears to be empty. Say what?! Where are my movies? I know I’ve got VR porns on there man!
Your computer sees the Oculus Go. You’ve got the Go folder showing on your computer screen. But it shows that its movie folder is empty.
What’s up with that?
I sat around confused.
Turns out you need to put the thing on your face and use the controller to click the allow button on the screen. After that, your files will be visible on your computer screen. And, you can add or delete files.
Let’s pretend you delete some files. There’s another confusing situation that can arise. Read on…
2. So, you deleted some files from the Go’s internal storage.
And, you’re looking at the Go’s stats on your computer screen…but, it won’t show you the new storage calculations. It’s still showing the GB amount that was filled-up prior to the deletion.
What’s up with that?
I was scratching my cabeza over this one for a while.
Answer: You’ve got to reboot the sucker in order to see the new accurate storage amount.
How do you reboot?
Put the Go on your face. Yes, get used to having to put the thing on your face when you need to do things. Then, hold the power button (top of headset) down until the Reboot option appears. Reboot. The Go will then show you the correct storage numbers.
In summary, when in doubt, put on face and click something.