Hi friends, I’m here to tell you…um, let me start over.
Virtual Real Passion is a branch of its parent site: Virtual Real Porn.
We’ve discussed Virtual Real Porn at considerable length.
Basically, they release high-quality, adult VR that mostly features European performers. And, the work is primarily intended for heterosexual men with fairly conventional desires.
So, Virtual Real Passion touts itself as the “world’s first VR porn site for women.” Another way to express the same is Woman’s POV.
We know, needless to say, that women get horny and masturbate. But, I’d be really interested in seeing the Virtual Real Passion stats.
Grab Your Vibes, Gals!
This Virtual Real Passion release has different segment that could potentially appeal to any viewer…
At least, that’s how it’s seeming to me.
My brain hurt a bit when I tried to go through all the possibilities.
Anyway, Virtual Real Passion is giving away a free, full-length release, Something Else, starring Marlon Sensi, Armana Miller and Ariadna.
Happy Valentine’s Day, ladies! Marlon’s coming for you!
This effort runs 33 minutes and is a great opportunity to check out the whole woman’s POV dealio.
So, unsurprisingly, Something Else displays the same technical competence that we’ve come to expect from Virtual Real Porn.
I believe the deciding factor would be whether you’re horny for the woman’s POV aspect.
So, pictured above we have a woman licking another gal’s nipple…
What viewers would enjoy this?
I could imagine it appealing to a wide range of folks.
Talking about these releases sometimes tends to get awkward, but it seems to me that—in addition to heterosexual women—this release could also appeal to gay men and women. Hell, I could see this appealing to straight fellas also.
So, perhaps this is just the type of stuff we need to unite the world.
Anyway, to download the video you “log in with your credential” to Virtual Real Passion. I have a Virtual Real Porn membership, so I used that and it worked fine.
Remember, these days you can barely get any two people to agree on anything…but, everybody loves a threesome.