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FindVRporn VR Porn Viewing Factors Checklist

James FindVR Porn Standards Leave a Comment

This is part of the VR Porn Standards Project

This is a continuation of the VR Porn Standards Project, which is creating a formulated, conceptual foundation for VR porn reviewing; guidance for directors; a template for new and existing studios to follow.

Another piece of this project is the FindVRporn Positioning Checklist, FindVRporn Performers Checklist and FindVRporn Reviews Explained.

So, friends, what’s the important idea here?

People experience the same movie very differently sometimes…

It’s that different people can experience the very same VR porn release in radically different ways visually.

That’s to say, the same movie can legit look damn different to different people.

That may not be obvious, but it’s true.

And, there are some factors that explain this:

Factors that affect the VR porn viewing experience

These are the factors that can affect how different viewers perceive virtual movies (in particular the size of things):

1. VR equipment used: (eg. Oculus, Gear VR, Vive, Cardboard, Homido, etc.)

2. Video software used: (eg. Milk VR, VR Player Pro, Deo VR, Whirligig, MaxVR, etc.)

3. Facial structures: (in particular, Interpupillary distance aka IPD)

4. Natural preferences: this can be overlooked. You see, it’s possible two people are seeing the same scale, but one simply prefers it more than the other…

5. The woman’s size: Although obvious, this gets overlooked sometimes. Some women are simply taller than others, and this, of course, affects the virtual experience!

Use caution when hearing another dude’s VR porn experience

And, as a final note, this is why it’s important to exercise caution when reading online about how a particular person evaluates a studio’s scale and realism.

While, in many cases, a consensus does tend to emerge about whether a VR porn studio has a real-world scale or not; it’s important to remember that your experience with the scale/sizing could definitely differ from the accounts you’ve read (based upon the factors listed above).

That’s just the way it is, and there ain’t no way around it at the present moment.

View samples first

Viewing a sample from the studio is often a good route to take so you can evaluate whether its output is horny for you. Virtual Real Porn and Czech VR have samples readily available for all viewers.

If you’re just getting started with virtual porn, these articles may interest you: How To Use VR Porn on Android, GearVR and iPhones.


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