Hi friends, welcome to the original, most singular, congenial, anti-Zeitgeist, VR porn review website on the Internets. It’s Taylor Sands VR Porn time! And, don’t forget about our VR Cosplay X review.
Review: Star Wars A XXX Parody
Today we’ll consider VRcosplayX’s December 8, 2017 release, Star Wars A XXX Parody: starring the adorable, Taylor Sands and a heroic, unknown stuntcock, who makes short work of TIE fighter ace, FN-069.
Yeah, this is cosplay stuff, man! And, Taylor Sands! Horny! Let’s talk about some Taylor Sands VR porn, man!
Now, the title of this post might sound a tad dramatic: VRcosplayX Has Just Taken VR Porn To The Next Level.
I mean that.
It ain’t cheap exaggeration for effect. It’s true. And, it will be discussed below. Okay, so…
This effort runs 26 minutes. And, we gotta mention Taylor’s cuteness. Damn, she’s cute! She’s the type of girl you just wanna grab and pump.
Pop a Tic Tac and just grab her by the woowoo, man!
I ain’t lying. Tell me I’m lying!
Oh, Taylor baby! I wanna be your stormtrooper stud boy, baby!
VR porn thoughts at 2017 ends
And, as 2017 ends, FindVRporn has been in-depth discussing camera/body positioning in virtual porn movies.
However, with this Star Wars parody, we must note several very unusual things.
1. The set is absolutely gorgeous: filmed in the Canary Islands, the viewer absorbs the pale sands; periwinkle sky; and golden, Goddess hooha-hair configuration.
Hey, I never said I was Richie Pryor!
2. In respect to cinematic production/special effects, just the general, I don’t know how to say it except…this VR porn movie has a real Hollywood look to it.
I know it’s important to me that I convey something when I’m frequently bolding text. That’s something I just noticed.
Special effects
The special effects (light sabers, flying spacecraft POV, etc.), music, sound effects, color, light and general look of things is simply top-notch professional stuff.
It almost doesn’t feel quite right referring to this as a VR porn.
Now, I know it ain’t easy trusting Internet stuff these days. In some cases, because the info isn’t trustworthy.
And, concerning honest analysis; you’ve got jealous, Control C types who—between repairs of their Xerox machine—gleefully toss rancid bologna slices trying to sow doubt and propagate their bologna stink.
VR porn filming standards
Now, with that said, I’m telling you this release now sets the standard for cinematography/production—dare I say—artistic VR porn filming standards.
In my view, the positioning/camera aspects were good; but—again, in my opinion—there’s plenty of room for hornier angles and configuration.
However, talking cinematography aspects, this is the best I’ve seen from a virtual porn movie. Period.
Now, it is my habit to always preface with “in my opinion.” That’s because, if there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s a douchie dipshit who acts like his opinion is the final word.
But, with that said, I don’t think my above-stated view concerning this effort’s cinematographic achievement is debatable. I honestly don’t.
At one point, I said something similar about the WankzVR Zombie Slayer release.
There ain’t no agenda here. If a VR studio brings the horny, it gets declared here. It don’t matter which studio. Bring it. We’ll acknowledge it. Period.
There was a period when BaDoinkVR ruled VR porn optics. And, that’s what we said at the time. Presently, in the opinion of; CzechVR and Wankz rule VRporn camera perspectives, and that’s what we’re saying. And, presently, this VRcosplayX release sets the standard for VR porn cinematography.
This landmark release will be remembered for taking VR Porn to the next level.
And, yep…that’s what we’re saying.
Taylor is on the run from the First Order and she needs your help. She’s been tracked to Jakkuoff by TIE fighter ace, FN-069.
But like many stormfuckers, he is fairly incompetent and he crash-lands his ship in the desert within minutes of entering the planet’s atmosphere. The stormfucker gives chase, but you’re there waiting for them, aren’t you? …
So, friends, I want to emphasize that this article represents the highly-opinionated impressions of one individual.
Below, I clearly state the evaluative criteria. If these factors don’t correspond with your desires, then the conclusion will have limited relevance.
Convenient List of Positioning Elements FindVRporn wants in every release:
1. in Face close-up timesweet spot zone, minimum 3 minutes.
2. Sweet spot clothed teasing, minimum 2 minutes.
3. , minimum 2 minutes. Bent-over blowjob
4. Missionary push-forward, minimum 5 minutes.
5. : minimum 3 minutes. If you want major bonus points: fade cuts between truncated and push forward! Truncated missionary
6. , minimum 3 minutes. Standing from behind head/hair pull
7. , minimum 2 minutes. Immediate doggy that feels big enough
8. Squatting Cowgirl Hoverface, minimum 2 minutes.
9. , minimum 1 minute… as seen in Deadpool. Ten finger reverse cowgirl
1. Switch a few times into immediate 3rd person POV.
2. Work in moving camera.
3. As a very general rule, imo, it’s best to have : even to the extent where all that’s seen of the man is his thrusting dipstick. the woman pulled down far in the frame
4. Although controversial, if it were up to me, I’d say break 1st person POV all the time with quick black fadecuts that then refocus very close to the woman’s face etc. and then fade back to POV…this is something not seen much, though CzechVR is closest…
5. Although, not strictly a positioning aspect, if the background provides maximum contrast with the woman, everything—including positioning—looks better…
So, the general evaluation method here considers—among other things—the performers, scaling, positioning, technical competence, kissing, eye contact, etc., and anything necessary to reach a conclusion.
As 2017 closes out, we’re putting much emphasis on body/camera positioning, in particular, because that’s the biggest factor in how 2018 turns out.
We remind our readers that people visually experience VR differently based upon their equipment, facial structure, and individual preferences.
Okay, so let’s apply all of this Star Wars cosplay XXX
Okay, so as mentioned earlier, cinematically-speaking no prior effort comes close to this.
And, that includes the basics that we always discuss: lighting, sound, scale, sense of spatial correctness, etc.
But, it also includes the special effects, the VR experience of traveling in a spaceship, the opening three-dimensional graphics, set, costumes, etc.
But, honestly, in my view, if the hump-and-pump ain’t horny-shot, you can shove your cinematic light sabers where the Dagobah system’s sun don’t shine.
So, let’s evaluate this in respect to positioning.
Sweetspot facetime:
This squeaks out a full checkmark, but there needed to be more in my view.
A very lovely-faced Taylor Sands starring in Star Wars XXX Parody from VRcosplayX
The cowgirl hoverfacing:
Again, a squeaky checkmark, because although there could have been more hoverfacing, the upright cowgirl footage was beautifully framed and felt good.
Taylor sorta hoverfaces in an upright cowgirl section
Missionary Push Forward:
No. Below is a reference picture of Natasha Nice for WankzVR.
Here we again see Natasha Nice pushing her face towards the camera during missionary: this works well..
Truncated Missionary:
No. Below is a reference picture of CzechVR’s Patty Michova.
Patty Michova in a Czech VR release shows off a truncated missionary technique that is horny!
Sweetspot, doggy posing:
Some doggy posing from Ms. Sands in the sand
Bent-over blowjob:
No. Below is a Belle Claire reference picture.
From Behind Head/Hair Pull:
I’m giving this a yes. It didn’t go to a full-throttle head-pull, but this lengthy segment was so wonderfully shot and framed: with Taylor’s cute-girl face looking at the camera, that yea…very nice!!
By the way
If I had a studio, there’d be a rule: The camera is never more than 3 feet away from the woman. But, some of the sequences in this movie show that there’s always an exception to the rule.
Wrapping Up
I’ll tell you what…2018 is shaping-up to be quite a year in VR porn.
The VRcosplayX thing happening now…with this release and last week’s Jessa Deadpool movie…I did not see this coming, man.
Honestly…did not see this coming…
Presently, there’s no weekly studio release I’m more anticipating/more curious about than VRcosplayX. Repeat: I did not see that coming.
So, above you can gather that the cinematography here takes VR porn to the next level. This is a game-changing release.
Positionally: the stand-up, cowgirl and posing were fine. Had this release included more hoverfacing, bent-over blowjob, and truncated missionary: it would be, in my opinion, the best VR porn release of 2017, and it wouldn’t even be fucking close.
Light saber action in a VR porn!
Alas, though, there’s a lot on that list. It’s kind of like if my aunt had a mustache and testicles, she’d be my… Actually, she sort of has the mustache part down…
Still not funny…

What a gorgeous set/location!
So, what’s here in this release?
Well, Taylor’s beautiful and was sexually sizzling with a horny-desperation.
There was fun, cinematic stuff (as pictured left).
The set was breathtaking: as was the already discussed ground-breaking cinematography.
The sex offered actually was shot in a pretty damn horny manner (e.g. upright, close cowgirling; really horny stand-up, that could have transitioned into pull-back…, the pussy close-up masturbation stuff, etc.)
Oh, Taylor! Oh, Taylor’s beautiful tits!
The camera/body positioning of the sexual sequences was pretty first-rate.
So, this release—along with VRcosplayX in general presently—is very easy, in good conscience, to recommend to people seeking world class VR porn movies aimed at a heterosexual audience.
However, if I’m being totally honest with you, I find myself thinking: Man, you did everything right and you had Taylor with her panties off…just get her down missionary with the camera in her face to truncate then pull the camera back and segue-way into a tight push-forward…tell her to hoverface a bit closer…stand her up and bend her over in an immediate bent-over blowjob segment…
But, all things considered, I think this release hints at the future of 3D porn: because it taps into virtual reality’s potential in a manner hitherto unseen in a VR porn movie.