Hi friends, today we’ll consider CzechVR’s release Sealing the Deal. This stars Ania Kinski and Selvaggia Babe. And, friends, the 53 minutes of this 176th CzechVR release warrants some consideration.

Two horny: too horny…. hey, I know I ain’t clever! Ania Kinski is the brunette and Selvaggia Babe is the blondey babe
Also noteworthy: the CzechVR boys are now releasing a Gear VR and Oculus HQ version: both are 5400×2700, 60 fps, H.265, 11 GB files. Yeah! Eleven gigs, man.
Nikkita Diamond quite effectively engaged with the camera in this Wankz release, which is a good example of their brand of horny and skillful camera positioning.
So, those numbers speak for themselves. And, one can honestly say that innovation is in the CzechVR DNA.
The truth is they’ve been getting much right for a long time. I’d say about the time Katie appeared with her famous carrot… well, that was about when the Czech gang seemed to discover their identity.
And, they had the nerve to go VR niche early: with fetish, casting, etc.
And, it’s long seemed to me that this gregarious gang of Euro pervs doesn’t always properly get their…um… props.
As seen in this present release, CzechVR has a horny knack for positioning their cameras just right: perhaps only rivaled by some segments of WankzVr’s VRs (as seen pictured below with last year’s Nikkita missionary): all in one man’s opinion, of course!
My only way of understanding CzechVR’s lesser amount of accolades? Well, I don’t know. I speculate it may be because they often use amateur/lesser known women.
Sometimes they shoot somewhat more famous women. But, they’ll probably never have a starlet with the fame of someone like Nicole Aniston or Romi Rain or… you get the idea.
And, that’s okay. CzechVR manages to get their cameras on some gorgeous gals, nonetheless.
I’ll say more about this below. You can also get a feel for this by checking the free preview below:
Let’s do this thing…
Studio: CzechVR
Title: Sealing The Deal
Release Date: November 18, 2017
Stars: Ania Kinski, Selvaggia Babe
Length: 52 minutes
Main sex positions: a whole lot of two-gal and hetero threesome action! A lot of it!
Formats: SMARTPHONE LQ 1920×960 30fps 3d mp4 (1.6 GB); SMARTPHONE HQ 2160×1080 60fps 3d mp4 (4.5 GB); GEAR VR LQ 2880×1440 60fps 3d H.264 (5.6 GB); PSVR HQ 2880×1440 60fps 3d mp4 H.264 (5.6 GB); GEAR VR MED 3840×1920 60fps 3d H.264 (11.1 GB); OCULUS MED 3840×1920 60fps 3d mp4 H.264 (11.1 GB); GEAR VR HQ 5400×2700 60fps 3d H.265 (11.2 GB); OCULUS HQ 5400×2700 60fps 3d mp4 H.265 (11.2 GB)
* You’ll notice these CzechVR files are now getting unusually gigantic. This is actually a good thing, because the general rule is this: the bigger the file, the higher the quality.
These days it’s not unusual to see a VR porn movie that’s 5+ gigs. However, seeing 11 gig files is indeed unusual. I’ll be honest with you folks, I didn’t have the patience to download the 11 gig one. Honestly, I’m plenty happy with CzechVR’s quality already.
I will, for the sake of science, though, test out the 11 gig one soon. I must remember to start downloading before I go to sleep, and it’ll be finished in the morning. Maybe the Internet connection here kind of sucks.
Genre: Hardcore sex VR porn
Reviewed using: Gear VR + Galaxy S7
Let’s see how the CzechVR boys describe this latest effort:
When two gorgeous babes come into your office and bring you the final draft of you two-year contract, something doesn’t feel right.
Maybe it’s not the contract, but the fact these two bitches are so fucking hot, they would look better riding your cock, than bargaining over a contract.
You know they want you to sign and maybe they will go over the usual line of duty to seal the deal. Sure enough, it’s not long before your cock is ramming their perfect asses and they moan for more while you listen to the boss lady whisper in your ear to ‘fuck that little bitch’ in our VR porn experience!
Oh, man. Whisper sweet hornies in my ear boss lady! I’m mostly used to more denigrating commentary from the boss women in my life!
Reviewing Method:
These reviews are based upon three main factors:
1. The woman: Most viewers want a VR gal whom they find pretty, passionate, authentic, etc. Generally, the man viewer wants it to at least appear like the gal’s into the sex.
2. The scaling: do things look correct and proportional? Generally, the viewer wants a real-life feel.
3. Positioning: of the women and cameras. Close-ups are much-desired. It’s also great to get some variety of sexual positions. Eye contact is also considered critically important by most.
Let’s Talk Camera Positioning
So, back in 2015, this was the first website reviewing and analyzing virtual porn movies with any depth.
Since then, we’ve developed such concepts like Sense of Spatial Correctness, the glory of Squatting Cowgirl Hoverface (pictured below), Missionary Push Forward and the list goes on.
But, at the beginning, I was trying to figure out an evaluation method. And, I came up with three main factors that must be considered:
1. The performer(s)
2. Scaling (judging the proportionality)
3. And, positioning (of camera and performers), which later evolved into sense of spatial correctness.
So, I was reviewing the work of mostly professional studio operations: thus, the sound, color, lighting and other technicalities could mostly be presumed correct.
Now, at 2017’s end, at least in my personal experience, the professional operations are basically getting the first two standards (performers and scale) right. Sure, the viewer will like some performers more than others, but, no matter what, you’re dealing with a professional porn actress. And, I’ve been much happier with scale than I was in 2015: that’s for sure.
It seems the remaining sticking point is the third factor: the positioning/sense of spatial correctness.
Many folks/VR porn fans have been frequently frustrated—at least at times—with the lack of close-ups. It seems almost like a no-brainer that viewers will want the camera close.
But, I think it’s a bit more complicated than that.
The Sweet Spot Zone
There really is a perfect distance: a sweet spot. It ain’t right on top of the camera rig. And, it sure ain’t too far away from the lens either. There’s a little magical zone that emits an intense sense of the much discussed and desired intimate immersion.
And, this release often nailed that for me. The CzechVR gang has seemed to always understand that men wack to these movies: and want VR that really facilitates their wack’s horny. As crude and obvious as that may sound, it seems some production houses occasionally lose sight of the medium’s raison d’être.
What’s most noteworthy about this release is the viewer gets a whopping 52 minutes that features some very horny-competent positioning of bodies and camera.
So, as the title suggests, the Czech boys had Ania Kinski and Selvaggia Babe entering, lingering within, departing, and then returning to that elusive sweet spot. And, that makes for a damn enjoyable release: especially the way the women keep entering and staying in the spot.
The CzechVR gang has been, for the most part, nailing scale, color, lighting and so forth for a long while. No need to dissect that here. The technical aspects are fine. All that remains is positioning everything correctly. To avoid ambiguity, let’s also reiterate that it’s possible for the camera to get too close: the viewer’s eyes will sort of cross and the image takes on an unrealistic wonkiness.
And, it’s sure as hell possible to be too far away! We’re interested in the…that’s right…sweet spot, man!
So, let’s make this more tangible by discussing some very specific examples on the movie’s timeline.
From 5:01 to 6:19 these two gals lingered around in the sweet spot zone: alternating distance between the two of them…undulating about at the perfect distance. It’s wonderful how their faces take turns slowly wisping forward. Then the distance goes just slightly too far back after this intense interlude. This whole distance thing is a delicate affair!
From 8:33 to 8:40 the distance is perfection on earth. I know the Czech boys read these sometimes…and, good work, gentlemen! To this fella’s eyeballs, you’re nailing the distance for segments. Have both of these gals stay at this distance and wiggle their tongues around for a while.
At the 10:09 mark the realism continues.
I felt the missionary part could have felt more immediate, but what makes it so horny is that even if the missionary part doesn’t feel excellent, Selvaggia shoves her face close to the camera: and, this works. This is a TREMENDOUS ADVANTAGE of having two women involved in a heterosexual sex scene.
Below, during the 25 minute mark, Ania again keeps her face at the optimal distance from the camera. Nice. To CzechVR: as earlier suggested, the brief segments where the camera was tight on Ania’s face as she wiggled her tongue around…that close-up tongue-wiggling could go on for a few minutes. I think a lot of people would love that. And, if someone doesn’t, it’s easy to skip ahead.
I’d like to see the already-experimental CzechVR crew try some things with very extended facial close-ups that last for several minutes.
At 33:37 (pictured below) we see some excellent framing.
Again, this is what’s so wonderfully wackable about two women in the scene. As one cowgirls, the other face-pushed: EROTIC STUFF!
More great moments below of that magical lingering in the sweet spot stuff.
42:54 below.
And, doggy style VR can often feel distant, but as seen at 48:58, a workaround is the old second woman facial push forward.
I enjoyed this one. And, I hope to see much more of the same with different female duos. This is in the running for my favorite VR of 2017.