January 27, 2017

Gina Gerson executes a perfect squatting cowgirl hoverface for BaDoinkVR in her Jan 2017 Check In, Check out. Yes, Gina hoverfaces for BDVR a lot!
Hi friends, you might be wondering about the title and the whole squatting cowgirl hoverface thing. It sounds like some trendy, indie band that would have opened for Nine Inch Nails.
Well, because I’m always trying to discuss these movies in precise detail, making-up some terms just kind of naturally happens.
But, it means pretty much how it sounds.
And, arguably the earliest example of squatting cowgirl hoverface was the September 2015 BaDoinkVR effort also with Gina Gerson: The Babysitter’s Cunt.
If that wasn’t the first, it certainly was close to it. It’s the first in my memory. I came back and added that info in 2023 because I was thinking about the first example I remember, and it’s that 2015 Gina BaDoink outing. Leave a comment if you have any thoughts on this.
Here are some additional Squatting Cowgirl Hoverface reference pictures:
Honestly, I’m being straight with you: at this moment in time, VR porn doesn’t get much better than this.
Now, one of the challenges of using 2D screenshots to illustrate the point is that they don’t, of course, provide the 3D render. We’ll talk more about all of this below.
Lately we’ve been getting pretty specific in these VR porn discussions and sort of semantically risque!
I mean, this fella’s talking crazy talk about squatting cowgirl hoverfaces, cowgirl missionary hybrid action, and a movie’s sense of spatial correctness.
From a technical standpoint, this footage is very competently executed and presents sexual positioning (including the sexual position and camera location) that’s generally not shot this way. Let’s continue illustrating this:
1. Squatting Cowgirl Hoverface
2. Cowgirl Missionary Hybrid
And, you’ll probably find its wackability index contingent upon your appreciation level of the skinny Gina Gerson body type.
Now, it’s kind of weird, these days, how some folks find skinny to have a somewhat negative connotation. I always thought it was a good quality in real life.
We’re going to discuss some percolating thoughts about body type in virtual reality.
And, we’ll continue discussing our new way of thinking about optical matters (and, in particular some sexual positioning/camera positioning along with, as mentioned, body types in virtual reality).
To get caught up, you can read this article: Harley Jade and a Sense of Spatial Correctness. We’re going to take those ideas a bit further.
Now, friends… if you read this site, you know I’ve had a good experience with the BaDoinkVR optics. The BaDoink boys just sort of quietly and consistently release horny VR.
That kind of got me thinking the other day:
You ever notice, in life, some fellas got a need to do cartwheels while yelling about why they’re the best?
Heck, they’ll present you with a bullet point list with the reasons that ain’t nobody a better cartwheeler!
Other fellas simply concentrate on their own work and allow it to speak for itself.
BaDoinkVR—and other studios that get covered here—fall into the latter category.
And, that keeps this interesting. Each week we’re seeing innovations—sometimes big, sometimes small—to discuss.
I’m seeing this ethos of innovation from all the studios I follow.
Oh, and before we continue…
Let me remind you to vote in the FindVRporn.com 2016 VR Porn Movie Awards . There are only a few more voting days left. And, I’ve got something important to tell you, friends: It’s gonna be THE BEST, man!!
Ha ha, good times, man… if you’ve got a few minutes, have a look at last year’s results.
All right, so today we’ll discuss BaDoinkVR’s latest: Check In, Check Out starring the horny Gina Gerson.
Let’s do this thing…
Reviewing Method:
These reviews are based upon three main factors:
1. The woman: Most viewers want a VR gal whom they find pretty, passionate, authentic, etc. Generally, the man viewer wants it to at least appear like the gal’s into the sex.
2. The scaling: do things look correct and proportional? Generally, the viewer wants a real-life feel.
3. Sense of spatial correctness: this is a fancy way to discuss whether bodies look realistic when they move in different ways through simulated 3D space.
Now, there are other factors: many of which mainly get mentioned when there’s a problem with them.
In this particular review, I’m curious to see how it stacks up against BaDoinkVR’s last Gina outing: and, that feels like a while ago…
More Thoughts About This Gina Gerson VR
Natural lighting: I’m putting this first on the list, because that’s how dramatically it can affect the visual quality of a VR porn.
That’s a long discussion. And, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a movie shot entirely with artificial lights can’t look excellent.
It simply means I’ve noticed on repeated occasion that when BaDoinkVR has a lot of natural light flooding the lens, things tend to look very good.
Slender Gina Gerson: Look friends, we could call Gina slender. You could call her skinny. She’s a damn pretty and petite woman.
So, if you like that body type: you’ll like this. Pretty simple.
Now, lately I’ve found myself thinking that women who are a bit more substantial…fellas, you know you got to use some care when talking about a gal’s weight!
But, some gals have got that thick in a good way look.
Now, all of this gets subjective: there ain’t no right or wrong about the topic. However, lately I’ve been thinking that a thicker body type lends itself very well to VR optics.
We’ll discuss that further another day.
Sense of spatial correctness: This is a newer way this site is using to discuss the technical competence of VR porns. The explanation can get a little involved, but it comes down to this: Do things look right?
And, in particular: do things stay correct looking everywhere as bodies change positions in 3D depth.
And, it was on-point here. And, that’s really a large part of why the hovering cowgirl and missionary-cowgirl had a realistic intensity.
Positioning: As it turns out, we discussed much of this above. And, that previously discussed positioning was very horny to my man brain.
I would still like the BaDoinkVR boys to try and close the distance/feeling/SOSC on the blowjob footage and reverse cowgirl.
Close footage was provided of Gina. And, her clothed teasing/lapdance grind was effective, and I wouldn’t have minded if that were extended for a greater length of time.
The other thing I wonder about BaDoinkVR is if they’ll incorporate any moving camera type footage along with the extreme/truncated camera positioning on the missionary position: which is very effective in VR.
All things considered, the cowgirling and missionary segments, for me, definitely warrant the admission price.
And, the early Gina Gerson VR, The Babysitter’s Cunt, released in September 2015: I remember in that movie Gina also
alternated between an upright cowgirl (pictured above) and the cowgirl hoverface. And, I remember that made an impression at that time.
So, this is how Gina cowgal boinks! Oh, man. It would be good if other women were instructed to duplicate a similar positioning.
Well done Ms. Gerson.
Comments 2
You should be an advisor for vr porn directors.
Ha ha. Thanks Dailo… very nice of you to say that.
I mainly just think about what’s…wait for it…. HORNY!