Hi friends, today we’ll discuss a VR porn concept created and coined right here at FindVRporn.com
It’s called Sense of Spatial Correctness: and, we’ll use Harley Jade’s effort in BaDoinkVR’s latest: Dirty Shrink to illustrate this concept.
Good optics with Harley Jade .. that’s to say, on-point sense of spatial correctness. For instance, things felt wide and big enough
About Ms. Jade…
I’ll tell you what: there are some gals who just look all sorts of fine in a tight skirt! I ain’t lying!
Now, that’s a beatific backside, boys!
You just want to take a picture of that ass, frame it and hang it in the Metropolitan Museum of Horny.
Now, these review articles discuss the optics (scaling, camera position, etc.) of virtual porn movies at great length.
So, as mentioned… today we’ll spend some time considering this movie’s—what I’m calling—sense of spatial correctness: and, we’ll discuss what’s meant by sense of spatial correctness (SOSC)…
Now, SOSC raises at least six questions:
1. Is this a case of unnecessarily coining fancy phrases to seem profound?
2. Or is the SOSC idea the necessary concept I’ve needed for the past 1.5 years in order to accurately analyze these movies?
3. Is too much being made out of all of this stuff?
4. Should I wait until I’m done writing before I start drinking?
5. Does all of this strangeness ultimately come back to an inferiority complex?
6. Is this the way to go about writing a review of Dirty Shrink, starring Harley Jade?
Oh, man… life’s eternal questions, man!
I’ve recently concluded that evaluating scale isn’t enough to convey the experience’s immersive aspect.
And, I’ve also concluded that the popularly used term immersion (while often useful) doesn’t always get the job done for me: which usually results in me—somewhat unsatisfyingly saying—“It just feels right.”
And, honestly… if I thought it was redundant, I wouldn’t take the time typing this out. You decide for yourself…
First, let’s get the specs out of the way:
SpecsStudio: BaDoink VR
Title: Dirty Shrink
Release Date: January 12, 2016
Stars: Harley Jade
Length: 32 minutes
Main sex positions:
Formats: Mobile LQ – 30fps (1.5GB)
Mobile HQ – 60fps (2.9GB)
Vive / Oculus HQ – 60fps (6.9GB)
Gear VR HQ – 60fps (3.4GB)
Playstation VR HQ – 60fps (2.9GB)
Genre: Hardcore sex VR porn, psychiatrist porn
Reviewed using: Gear VR + Galaxy S7
Software used: Deo VR and Milk VR
Now, I’m just going to level with you guys.
There’s two qualities that I’m looking for in a woman:
1. A beautiful face.
2. A willowy waist exploding at the hips into a round and grandiose, gorgeous ass: the type that balloons out yoga pants and has inspired men to punch each other in the face for generations.
Now, a fella’s supposed to say he’s looking for a warm personality, sparkly sense of humor, and someone to do jumping jacks with at the gym and drink smoothies and watch…
You get the idea…
And, sure…the personality and humor and jumping jacks and treadmill partner and shopping for scented candles and… Well, sure: that stuff is fun, and it matters too.
But, if we’re being honest…
You can shove your sparkly laughter and scented candles where the sun don’t shine, because at rock bottom a fella wants to slap his man hands upon a bountiful, gal backside while gazing up at a gorgeous, gal face as Goddess boobie bouncers go cowgirl crazy.
So, why the insane intro?
Because, friends, this is what I appreciate about Ms. Jade. She checks both boxes.
1. Beautiful face: check!
2. Gorgeous, grandiose backside: check!
Oh, she’s a keeper, man!
She may not be the type of gal you bring home to mother, but you can show her to father! Oh, dad’s face will light up like an atomic lamp as the Jezebel jiggles her juice jugs.Oh, these gals are sneaky!
They know how to get dad’s attention!
One minute it’s, “Nice to meet you, sir.” Next thing you know she’s there with a hand down her panties and those funbags out!
But, here’s the thing. A beautiful face, ass and boobie bouncers don’t mean squidly squat if the scaling and general optics of the VR porn
aren’t correct.
And, earlier I mentioned something about a sense of spatial correctness.
And, if you’ve read these reviews, you know perhaps the premiere factor—at least in my opinion—is a scale that seems realistic. This has been discussed on here considerably.
And, as mentioned, when I find the scaling very agreeable, I usually end up saying something like: it just feels right to me.
Well, I got sick of saying it just feels right to me.
When VR porn optics feel right… when not just the scale but the overall gravity feels correct, there seems to be intangibles at play that can make it difficult to dissect.
And, I was trying to figure out when dealing with scenes that are all scaled pretty well… why is it that some feel more right than others?
Why is that?
Now, am I making too much out of this? Doesn’t the term “immersion” cover this?
Well, I wouldn’t take you fellas down a weird, semantic path for the hell of it.
Immersion is a good term, but it’s also a very broad term: it applies, for instance, to how convincing a 3D cartoon world appears to the viewer.
Sense of Spatial Correctness
Sense of spatial correctness is a VR porn term created by FindVRporn.com as a means to discuss the visual appearance of humans in sexual motion.
SOSC means when Harley’s cowgirling and she leans back, does the changing sizing of her head and shoulders maintain the illusion? Because, our brains are very sensitive to these sort of motion incongruities… Our man brain is calculating—in its own way—how big her head looks in relation to her kneecap.
It means when Harley’s got her legs spread does the optics of her twat and face (which approaches as she pushes forward) maintain the illusion when her face ends up being 18 inches in space further back than her hooha? As motion changes depth-distance do the body part proportions—in relation to each other—keep the illusion in tact?
That sounds like a mouthful, but… what we’re talking about is how anatomical parts look in relation to each other: particularly as their
position in space changes.
And, it also does apply when, during blowjob footage, the woman’s head seems too small/feels unrealistically far away.
It applies to scenarios where the gal’s in a head down/ass up doggy pose or a lean-away reverse cowgirl (pictured below). Does her ass seem wide enough? But, let’s say her ass does seem wide enough, does her head, though, appear too small? I find this to often be the case: one portion feels correct while a portion deeper in 3D space
doesn’t feel right (usually too small).
This is also why the term scale alone doesn’t get the job done.
Because, often the scale of what’s closest feels correct, but what’s more distant feels incorrectly scaled. This is the actual reason why lean back cowgirl often gets criticized. Not simply because close-ups are where it’s at: but, because the SOSC breaks.
When the depth/spatial optics are correct, you can feel it. You can feel a congruent sense of gravity that’s very
hard to quantify and verbally express. But, you can feel it.
Spatially, things simply feel correct.
And, the whole thing has some intangible qualities… it’s like trying to explain a feeling in words…
And, when I watched this latest Harley Jade effort…I really was trying hard to figure out why it felt so damn right to me. Because, Harley baby… I was with you! I was right there with you Harley baby!
All right, granted, now we’re getting a bit silly…
Also, before going further, it’s important to emphasize—as I always do—that scale/optic perception of VR does vary somewhat, inevitably, between different viewers. These are some of the factors:
1. VR equipment used: (eg. Oculus, Gear VR, Vive, Cardboard, Homido, etc.)
2. Video software used: (eg. Milk VR, VR Player Pro, Deo VR, Whirligig, MaxVR, etc.)
3. Facial structures: (in particular, Interpupillary distance aka IPD)
4. Natural preferences: this can be overlooked. You see, it’s possible two people are seeing the same scale, but one simply prefers it more than the other…
5. The woman’s size: Although obvious, this gets overlooked sometimes. Some women are simply taller than others, and this, of course, affects the virtual experience!
But, with that caveat, when you read reports on forums, you find a surprising amount of similarity between people’s experience with a particular studio/movie.
So, my experience, as you know, with BaDoinkVR’s optics has been a good one. And, with this release, it just got intensely better.
The scaling/width/gravity/spatiality of Harley’s heavenly legs-spread missionary had an on-point—to use our new term—sense of spatial correctness when she pushed herself forward.
Now, I think you fellas can see that I wasn’t bullshitting you. There was an aspect of VR porn movies that I was having trouble precisely discussing, and now I feel like I can do that.
What’s key to the illusion… several things: the scale has to feel right in the lean away/more distant stuff. That’s an absolute must. It can’t feel too small to begin with. And, crucially, when the distance changes (the woman’s motion bringing her close) the depth/size optics have to be correct.
And, while that may sound complicated, it’s not. It plays out all the time in the example cited earlier: such as when the gal’s lean back cowgirl comes forward into upright, etc.
Unsurprisingly, as we get deeper into this game, the technology and techniques are being refined. What we really need to blast the horny to the next level is… EYE TRACKING! That’s something I’ll discuss in the future at much greater length…
Anyway, that’s enough for now. Well done. This stuff keeps getting more interesting.