bodyscape pussy

VR Porn Ideas: bodyscapes, bikiniscapes, morning faces therapy

James FindCzech VR, Vr Porn Leave a Comment


Okay, Reddit member karlwikman offers:

Idea #1: Bodyscapes

Do “bodyscapes” where you very, very slowly and fluently run your rig along a woman’s body, so that we can get to experience every nook and cranny of her physiology.
Yes. Fantastic idea.

And, some of these bodyscapes definitely need to be… wait for itBikiniscapes!

Kara Cherry coming upstairs in a VR porn movie

In a VR porn first, Kara Cherry ascends the stairs with a CzechVR moving VR camera recording the action.

At the moment, any of the major studios could probably pull this off.

With that said, I do think the CzechVR boys might be best poised to execute a bodyscape as they’ve been experimenting with moving camera VR for some time.

The Czech boys first demonstrated their moving VR with Ms. Kara Cherry: pictured below.

And, in order to do this responsibly, I had damn better include a bikiniscape reference picture from the backside:

purple bikini ass

Bikiniscape this!

Now granted… My bias is probably being reflected towards the bikiniscape subgenre of the overarching bodyscape umbrella, but we’re just spitballing here, man!

If I’m not mistaken, I think spitballing means something like: just tossing ideas around in a casual manner, man!

And, Reddit member poVRert offers this creative gem:

Idea #2: Morning Faces Therapy

…look up “morning faces therapy” and other research about the benefits of making eye contact with a smiling life-size face first thing in the morning. Positive, non-sexual, GFE-style video for lonely people may sound more like a weird Japanese idea (and I think flat videos of exactly this already exist in the Japanese market) but it could seriously help people’s mental health.

Excellent! This is what people have been demanding: more close-ups! I’m intrigued by the prospect of prolonged eye contact in virtual reality.

I looked on YouTube and found this video called, 3 MINUTE MORNING FACE YOGA ROUTINE.

Sure, let’s see that…

So, that’s it. Just looking to amplify those ideas a bit.

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