March 24, 2016
So, Czech VR got some new equipment that they’re testing. And, they’re giving away this VR to get some feedback. Here’s your feedback: HORNY! Martina’s hot… it looks great!
Ah, maybe I should be a bit more specific…
The clarity on a Gear VR is sharp. The trade-off, it appears, is that the video’s bottom is slightly cut-off. That’s to say, it seems the vertical FOV has been somewhat reduced?
Is that the correct way to phrase it?
But, anyway you phrase it… I’m okay with it. The actual gal action is front-and-center. And, let’s face it, honestly: the viewer is zoning into a rather focused frame area.
I mean… there’s a number of factors when evaluating VR porn movies. The main ones are the woman, scaling and camera position.
In this case, Martina is gorgeous: ain’t no doubt about that!
These Czech Republic guys are some lucky bastards!
The camera stayed tight: just what you want. And, there was a lot of good face time. And, the scaling—as usual for Czech—worked. Sometimes it feels like the Czech scale is a little small, but regardless… it works.
Okay, so let’s do this thing in a bit more detail…
Now, I don’t know about you good folks, but you give me a pretty-faced, blonde gal… you put her in a little pink skirt: what is it about those pink minis that are so horny!
You have her make whore eyes while rubbing her Czech petunia. And, that’s enough to flip the switch and get my man motor running in overdrive.
Here’s the bottom line.
CzechVR releases HORNY VR porn movies. That’s just the way it is… And, they’re giving one away for FREE. Yea.
This is a great age we’re living in, folks…
And, capitalism, despite its faults and the resulting homeless population and kids crying on Christmas morning because Santa didn’t leave bikes for them under the tree and me not being able to afford a dentist and the TV constantly convincing people they’re flawed, so they buy pills and unneeded crud and pointless wars started because that guy loves money, and… the KoolAid man rotting out your teeth… and… and…
Yea, despite all that…
One good thing about capitalism is it creates competition between companies, which ultimately benefits a little nobody like I, because these companies are forced to compete with each other, which ultimately results in hornier VR porn movies that are occasionally given away for free…
So, VIVA capitalism, homelessness and FREE VR PORN! We couldn’t have one without the other, man!
And, get your copy of HORNY blonde beauty Martina frigging in a FREE VR PORN MOVIE FROM CZECH VR!!!
CLICK THIS if you already know you want to Subscribe to Czech VR! GOOD DECISION, by the way!
Comments 2
Very good
Thanks lqt… it took me 2 years to respond…
Sorry ’bout that my brother!