In Her Shoes article header image

A VR For The Ladies

James FindBadoink VR Leave a Comment

December 21, 2015

All right, friends, as Christmas quickly creeps upon us; BaDoinkVR has kept their promise to release something I prefer to polka dot socks and soap-on-a-rope: that’d be, two new VRs a week until the new year. Today, it’s the most-interesting In Her Shoes, starring Otto.

Otto fucking in BaDoink VR female pov movie

Otto pumping in a female POV released by BaDoinkVR a while back

Otto eating pussy

Otto chows down

Otto cumshot

And, Otto cumming

Otto squeezes tits

Meet Otto!

In Her Shoes article header image

You read that correctly. Instead of the usual review here, which says, starring Misha Cross or Carly Summers or Mia Malkova… this one is starring a man fella: good sir… Otto.

Oh, boy…where to begin with this one? All right, first let’s get the technical mumbo jumbo out of the way.

This release, like all BaDoink’s VRs is available for Oculus, Gear and Smartphone. It’s 60 fps, HD, 3D, 180 degrees, binaural sound and all the rest. I’m reviewing the Smartphone version using an HTC M8, Homido viewer and VR Player Pro software.

For VR porn reviews, there are three main factors I consider: 1. The performers (performance, passion, aesthetics, etc.) 2. Scaling/perspective: are the proportions correct? Do things look right? 3. Camera and human positioning.

So, in this case, BaDoink VR attempts something unusual. Let’s take a look at it in their own words:

BaDoink has a special treat for our female members — and male ones looking for new experiences. We’ve all wondered what sex would feel like in the other person’s body. So of course VR porn would be the best way to live this crazy gender reversal. …in this video, you get to not only be in a female POV, but truly feel what it’d be like to be touched, tasted and fucked as one.

All right, let’s unpack this description a bit, because there are several ways to approach this. And, if I’m not careful, I imagine I could easily write twenty pages about it. But, let’s try not to do that. Hey, I’ve got Christmas shopping to do. Or…at least that sounds like a healthy, normal thing to say. Anyway…

What’s my very first thought? Honestly?

Well, I’m not sure I want to “truly feel what it’d be like to be touched, tasted and fucked as one.” I’m the sort of man fella who generally prefers to be the one hip-thrusting…not getting thrusted upon! Homey—as the kids say—… oh, nevermind.

What’s my next thought?

Well, in life…you can’t have it both ways.

Let me explain. You see, BaDoinkVR has been praised here, and elsewhere, for showing considerable creativity in their VRs. I’ve said, repeatedly, that BaDoink is the most innovative VR porn producer. And, this view can be supported by checking-out previous efforts: like, gorgeous redhead Pam Sanchez bopping in a van driving through Barcelona, Julia and Kitty in lesbian strap-on action, the infamous episode of Blondie getting harassed by Big Man, some wacked-out female slave domination with the delightful Nora Barcelona, stripper auditions, a 360 degree orgy, barely legal, Goddess Jimena Lago doggy style!, Jessie Volt’s verbalization of lesbian, romantic love, etc.
Now, I added all those links to assure you I’m not being some marketing-minded dweeb when I discuss BaDoink’s virtual porn innovativeness. (Although, KinkVR will probably be taking that crown…but, what do you expect? I mean, they’re called Kink for Chrissakes…)

But, yes… BaDoinkVR is innovative. Just the way it is. And, that same creativity carries over to today’s release.

And, the other thing that must be said…and has been said here and elsewhere…is that the formulaic, porn template quickly gets boring. And, it seems that some content producers either lack creativity…or just prefer staying with a safe formula that they know works…or both…but, many feel the whole VR template of blowjob, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, money shot is already exhausted. I agree with that view.

So, what I’m trying to say… We can’t sit around and decry the boring, formulaic VR porn template and simultaneously slam somebody for trying something different and new.

When creative folks try new things, it often goes one of two ways: 1. They nail it, and it’s really interesting. 2. They miss the mark, and it’s still interesting but not fulfilling.

But, if you want to champion originality, you must be willing to accept the second possibility. It’s part of the game.

Now, let’s take an actual look at this Otto-centered VR with the script-flipping POV. So, it basically delivers what’s promised: you get the female POV from missionary position. Let’s first consider the scaling/perspective: it’s excellent! Otto—for what it’s worth—is…um…proportionally correct. Yep, BaDoink’s technical abilities improved a while back, and things are still looking good.

All right, so…this VR experience was not my perfect cup of cocoa complete with the little marshmallows and all. I will say that I liked it more than I expected…and, it’s also important to consider the hetero women out there. At last count, there were quite a few. And, if there’s a horny, porn-loving gal out there looking for a VR, In Her Shoes is for you.

Now, I know there’s gal porn fans out there. But, somehow when I think of a gal with a 750 GB hard drive loaded up with dick pics and porn scenes…I don’t know…call me an old-fashioned fella, but something about that just seems a little odd.

Hey, I ain’t knocking anyone. Hey, I don’t really know exactly what I’m trying to say. I think I need a little more time to process this…

No, don’t let me take the easy way out, damn it! Let’s do some processing now. Let’s apply my three variables!

Okay, how was Otto’s performance? Well, I’m not the best judge of this, but I think the lady viewers might dig Otto’s looks. Ladies, speak up in the comments. We all know women can’t resist leaving comments on VR porn review blogs! I think ole Otto should have pumped with more aggressive gusto. The woman…well, she moaned. Her possibility range is sort of limited in this type of thing.

Generally, I call the faceless man in a VR porn movie the stunt cock. Now, in this case…I believe it’s time to introduce a new vocabulary term… wait for itstunt cunt!

The scaling, as I said, was excellent. As to positioning: well, we got her POV from missionary. Maybe her POV from cowgirl would have been interesting also.

So, you know…kudos to the BaDoink boys for thrusting at the VR boundaries.

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